The ignorance of women and society towards the importance of menstrual health and hygiene is the root cause of many women-centric health hazard. With this program, we are aiming to burst myths centering the menstrual practices around the country. In the process, we have trained 350 women to create a cadre of HealthSoochnapreneur who will undertake the task of promoting menstrual hygiene and best practices in their villages and communities. These women are identified from their communities so that they are readily available and can work more closely in their respective locations. Numerous capability development trainings were conducted in the process of creating the HealthSoochanpreneurs, and they were also introduced to a cloth-made, chemical free, reusable sanitary pad (SmartPad) to facilitate their journey of bringing behavioral change within and around themselves. This Smartpad, is an initiative to shift the consumption from commercial sanitary napkins which have plastic, and chemical in them to a more healthy and safe option which would not only benefit the user but also the environment. For the work, the Health Soochnapreneurs have been given customized module to go with their awareness drive, which would visually contribute to their task making it more understandable and engaging.